What Is A Straw Poll?

What Is A Straw Poll?

A straw poll is an informal vote. It is unofficial, and is used to gather information on public opinion. This article will explore what a straw poll is, what it contains and how it is conducted. Read on to find out! What Is A Straw Poll? A straw poll is an informal vote that is … Read more

When Was Modern Polling Developed?

When Was Modern Polling Developed

Modern polling was developed in 1932 by George Gallup and Elmo Roper. They developed a much more accurate way of polling from the one that was used previously. Before Modern Polling In the 1930s, the traditional method used for a straw poll was a question in a newspaper or magazine. The questions would be printed … Read more

Can You Do Polls On Snapchat?

Can You Do Polls On Snapchat

Despite being immensely popular with 332 million daily active users, Snapchat is a bit more unique than other popular social media platforms including Facebook and Instagram because rather than having a clearly laid out main page, you really only get two or three screens to swipe between. For many people, this isn’t a huge problem … Read more

What Is SurveyMonkey?

What Is SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a commonly used website that is used throughout the world, providing free, customizable surveys for anyone who needs them. But what exactly is the purpose of SurveyMonkey, and how is it used in society? SurveyMonkey: What Is It? Survey Monkey is a free, cloud based, online survey development company that provides free, customizable … Read more

What Are Sample Surveys?

What Are Sample Surveys?

A sample survey is a process in which data is collected from a group of the population who are representative of the population as a whole. This article will look at what a sample survey is and the most effective way to conduct a sample survey.  What Is The Definition Of A Sample Survey? A … Read more

What Is A Control Group?

What Is A Control Group?

When conducting scientific studies or research, you will often need to include a control group as part of your subjects. Control groups are an important part of experiments as they can help you rule out alternative explanations for your results. But what are control groups? How do they work? Why are they important for valid … Read more