How To Find Margin Of Error

How To Find Margin Of Error

Margin of error is the statistical term that describes the amount of variation from the mean of a set of values. Understand this concept and how to use it in your research. Some people might find all of the jargon surrounding this topic quite difficult to understand.  This article will be covering exactly what margin … Read more

What Is A Quiz?

What Is A Quiz?

A quiz is a quick and formal assessment of  knowledge. In many cases, it is a brief examination of a person’s overall grasp of something.  In North America, quizzes are most commonly used in higher education settings to assess students’ understanding of course material. They are sometimes given during lecture presentations to make sure students … Read more

What Does Nominal Mean?

What Does Nominal Mean?

If you’re wondering what nominal data is and what it’s used for, you’ve come to the right place. This article will explore everything you need to know about nominal data.  There are four main types of data that you should be aware of when you are working with data in any environment. These are ordinal, … Read more

What Does n Mean In Statistics?

What Does n Mean In Statistics

In statistics, there are two different meanings of the ‘n’. If it is capitalized (N), then it usually refers to population size, whereas a small ‘n’ refers to sample size in statistics. It refers to the number in a sample or trial. Read on for more information on ‘n’, and its importance in statistics. What … Read more

What Is A Confounding Variable?

What Is A Confounding Variable?

A confounding variable is a variable that is not considered in an experiment, but it does affect the relationship between the two variables being studied.  It is named a confounding variable because it has the ability to confound the results of the study, and lead to unreliable results.  This article will look at confounding variables … Read more

How To Find Population Mean

How To Find Population Mean

Understanding and properly utilizing a survey can be difficult, particularly to the untrained eye. Finding something like the mean of a population based on certain criteria’s can be one such instance where knowing the right processes can make the whole thing a lot easier. In this guide, we will be taking a look at what … Read more

What Is Political Data Analysis? An Introduction

What Is Political Data Analysis? An Introduction

Political data analysis is the systematic examination of political information and data, as well as the creation of new data and the analysis of new information. Political data analytics is also the use of statistics, data mining, and machine learning to develop algorithms to uncover and measure political topics. A political data analyst is a … Read more

What Is A ‘Sample’ In Statistics?

What Is A ‘Sample’ In Statistics?

Statistics can be a complex form of mathematics, with many complicated terms that might be somewhat unknown, or in the least confusing, to the laymen.  One such term is a ‘sample’, which is an important part of statistical analysis and used in countless ways to find specific answers within a stream of numerical values.  But … Read more

What Does Ratio Mean?

What Does Ratio Mean?

Ratio is a very helpful tool that allows you to compare things to one another. It is very commonly used in Mathematics. Ratios are also used in the real world, and they are a very helpful function. This article will explore what a ratio is and how they work. It will also explore how you … Read more