#173: What in the world is going on in the world

Kristen and Margie talk about current events and polling, from Trump’s UK approval to NATO, the Supreme Court, and favorite ice cream flavors.

With so much bad news, @margieomero & @ksoltisanderson talk about Hamilton & ice cream.

Poll of the Week:
Spouses Report Earnings (Census) (Full Study)

Trump’s UK Approval
YouGov/ITV (Crosstabs) – 9th-10th July 2018
A BMG poll for The Independent last week asked Brits if Prime Minister May was right to invite Trump. (Toplines)

Gallup Toplines
Pew (Spring 2017)
Economist/YouGov Americans become more anti-Russian under Trump (NBC) Gallup Polling The Economist/YouGov

Trump Approval!
RCP538 Generic ballot!
RCP538 SCOTUS The Hill Gallup

Ice Cream!
Rasmussen: Chocolate (19%), Butter Pecan (16%)
YouGov: Chocolate (14%), Vanilla (13%)

Episode Webpage: Link to episode

MP3 File:

The Pollsters

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