#209: America Is Changing And Voters Are, Too
In this episode, we discuss Trump’s approval rating, the 2020 race, America’s changing demographics, equal pay, and NCAA basketball.
Trump’s Approval Rating (RealClear Politics)
Views of Trump’s personal traits, job approval (Pew Research)
Most want to see Mueller report released (Ariel Edwards-Levy)
Changing America
Jason McGrath of GBAO talks about Lightfoot in Chicago
Voters Say Scrap Elite School Test in NY (Quinnipiac)
On Equal Pay Day 2019, lack of awareness persists (SurveyMonkey)
Among all voters, half say they are ‘very uncomfortable’ with Trump for 2020 (NBC News / Wall Street Journal)
18-29-year-olds Likely Democratic Primary Voters Prefer Sanders (Institute of Politics (IOP) at Harvard Kennedy School)
The World
Large Majorities in Both Parties Say NATO Is Good for the U.S. (Pew Research)
NCAA Basketball Final Four
Michigan State has America’s support after beating Duke to reach Final Four (and Kristen loves J.J. Redick)
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