What Is A Variable?
We come across variables every day, no matter what we are doing. Generally speaking, variables are anything that can change or be changed in an experiment or situation. For example, a factor that can be manipulated or controlled such as temperature is considered to be a variable (Also check out the What Is A Controlled
How To Find Margin Of Error
Margin of error is the statistical term that describes the amount of variation from the mean of a set of values. Understand this concept and how to use it in your research. Some people might find all of the jargon surrounding this topic quite difficult to understand. This article will be covering exactly what margin
What Is A Quiz?
A quiz is a quick and formal assessment of knowledge. In many cases, it is a brief examination of a person’s overall grasp of something. In North America, quizzes are most commonly used in higher education settings to assess students’ understanding of course material. They are sometimes given during lecture presentations to make sure students
What Is A Controlled Variable?
A controlled variable is something that is kept the same during a research project or study. It is the variable that is not being tested in the study, but it is controlled so that the outcome of the study is not influenced by it. This article will explore the role of a controlled variable in
What Is A Leading Question?
The most important part of creating a survey or questionnaire is designing your questions. This is more complicated than it may seem at first glance and one way that many surveys fail is by using leading questions. In this article, we will look at what a leading question is and the different types of leading
What Does Nominal Mean?
If you’re wondering what nominal data is and what it’s used for, you’ve come to the right place. This article will explore everything you need to know about nominal data. There are four main types of data that you should be aware of when you are working with data in any environment. These are ordinal,
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