#76: Which pollsters would you most like to share a beer with?

“This episode explores Olympic viewing trends, the 2016 polls, political messaging in churches, and America’s love for beer.”

Episode #76: Which Pollsters Would You Most Like to Share a Beer With?

Welcome to all our new listeners! This week, we dive into the latest political polls, Olympic fever (or lack thereof), and what Americans are smoking (or drinking) these days. Don’t forget to leave us a review on iTunes or Stitcher, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for weekly poll insights.

Episode Highlights

  • Poll of the Week: Are Americans really watching the Olympics? Gallup has the answers.
  • 2016 Election: Clinton’s lead in the polls is undeniable, but what does it mean for battleground states?
  • Preaching Politics: Pew examines the political messages coming from the pulpit.
  • Smoking & Drinking Trends: Gallup dives into America’s shifting habits with cigarettes, marijuana, and beer.

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The Pollsters

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