#167: Not That Kind Of Biscuit
Kristen and Margie discuss the latest polls about data privacy, Trump’s approval ratings, teens and social media, and a variety of polling topics including the generic ballot, 2016 polling accuracy, and Brits’ favorite biscuits.
Not That Kind Of Biscuit
We’ve made it past Memorial Day! What the heck is GDPR and why do I keep getting emails about it? Will Kristen trade her personal data for Swedish translations? What about ads for pretty shoes? Who doesn’t love biscuits? Monsters, that’s who. Find us @ksoltisanderson @margieomero @thepollsters.
Poll of the Week: How Adults of Different Ages Feel About Data Privacy?
Kristen isn’t giving up personal data for Swedish translations.
Most U.S. Adults in Poll Unwilling to Share Personal Data for Ads to Keep a Service Free
Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook says they won’t be giving users an option to pay to skip the ads.
Effectively 45% approval! But what does that mean?
Trump Job Approval
Echelon Insights has some new data on how people feel about Russia and the Trump Campaign, his handling of North Korea and Iran, and his tweeting—but you have to listen to find out what it is!
More new Echelon Insight data you have to listen to get…
How do people get their news?
How often do people use various social media platforms?
Is tech good or bad for society?
Teens and the Internet
Pew Research has new data on Teens, Social Media & Technology 2018
Generic Ballot Update
FiveThirtyEight on who’s winning the race for Congress
Josh Barro & Charles Franklin (separately) wrote about how the Reuters/Ipsos poll is volatile, making it seem like the gen ballot was closing.
Were the 2016 polls accurate?
FiveThirtyEight has the answer! And which pollsters should you trust?
American Communities
Pew: What divides and unites urban, suburban, and rural communities?
That’s a Cookie, Dammit!
YouGov gets the skinny on Brits’ favorite “biscuitsâ€
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