#32: There’s anger in the polls

“It’s International Podcast Day! Celebrate with us as we explore anger in the polls, Rubio’s rise, government shutdowns, Canada polling, and Taylor Swift as a conversation starter…”

There’s Anger in the Polls: Episode #32 Recap

It’s International Podcast Day! Don’t forget to celebrate by writing us a review on Stitcher or iTunes and following us on Twitter or Facebook. Let’s dive into this week’s data-packed episode.

2016: Anger and Optimism

Margie: “Trump’s got a classy pollster now, but the real story is Rubio’s steady rise. And is America ready for some Biden? Polls suggest the door is still open for him.”

Kristen: “Meanwhile, a new Echelon Insights poll shows Republicans agree that climate change is happening. It’s a surprising shift in a party that often avoids the topic.”

Boehner Out, Anger In

Margie: “Speaker Boehner’s resignation underscores a broader trend: Americans are angry at their government. Gallup polling highlights record lows in trust across the board—from Congress to the media.”

Kristen: “Even trust in individual members of Congress is plummeting. Bloomberg and Selzer polls show just how widespread this frustration has become.”

Government Shutdowns and Planned Parenthood

Margie: “Most Americans, including Republicans, oppose shutting down the government to defund Planned Parenthood. This is a clear signal from the Quinnipiac, CBS/NYT, and Pew polls.”

Canada, OJ Simpson, and Dating Apps

Kristen: “Listeners, you asked for more Canada data, and we delivered! From poll-tracking to guerrilla warfare in polling, Canada remains fascinating. Meanwhile, ABC/WP polling on OJ Simpson is a surprising throwback.”

Margie: “And let’s not forget dating apps. Data on Taylor Swift as a conversation starter? Priceless.”

Key Findings

  • Rubio is rising steadily, while anger toward government institutions dominates polling trends.
  • Most Americans oppose a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding.
  • Canada’s polling intrigues continue, while OJ Simpson and dating apps provide lighter moments.
  • On International Podcast Day, celebrate polling, not politics!

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