#246: The Electorate, an Ocean of Mystery
This episode discusses the latest polling trends in the Democratic primary, Trump’s approval, impeachment proceedings, and a deep dive into abortion laws in the U.S.
Democratic Primary
Who’s Ahead in the National Poll? (FiveThirtyEight)
Who’s Ahead in Iowa? (FiveThirtyEight)
Who’s Ahead in New Hampshire? (FiveThirtyEight)
Sanders Widens Lead In N.H. (WBUR)
Trump Approval
Trump Job Approval (RealClear Politics)
Trump Third Year Sets New Standard for Party Polarization (Gallup)
General Election
General Election: Trump vs. Klobuchar (RealClear Politics)
Trump Impeachment
Do Americans Support Impeachment? (FiveThirtyEight)
Majority Support Allowing New Impeachment Evidence (Monmouth)
By a Narrow Margin, Americans Say Senate Trial Should Result in Trump’s Removal (Pew Research Center)
Senator Approval Rankings (Morning Consult)
New Maine Polling on Susan Collins and Impeachment (GHY Research Group)
Abortion Laws
Do state laws on abortion reflect public opinion? (Pew Research Center)
Dissatisfaction With U.S. Abortion Laws at New High (Gallup)
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