#164: May The Force Live Long & Prosper

Kristen and Margie explore polling data on Trump’s approval ratings, the Russia investigation, the economy, and other key issues. They also dive into the debate over Star Wars vs. Star Trek and upcoming political races.

May the Force Live Long and Prosper

We are way more anxious about the effect politics rather than personal relationships have on our daily lives. In Trumplandia, we look at the numbers, not at the bars. You may be Trumpier than Trump, but then Trump tweets. Incumbents? Run like you’re 10 points down. If you offer “not sure” as an out, people take the out. Everyone is sure about Star Trek vs. Star Wars. I love that guy.

POLLSTERS NATION AAPOR MEETUP: 5:00-6:00 on Thursday at Yard House right outside the Sheraton! Let Kristen buy you a beer.

As always, we’re @ksoltisanderson @margieomero @thepollsters.

Poll of the Week: Anxiety APA Public Opinion Poll – Annual Meeting 2018

Trump Job Approval
More Americans now say Russia investigation is politically motivated – CBS News poll
Trump Viewed Less Negatively on Issues, but Most Americans Are Critical of His Conduct – Pew
Few Feel Positive Impact From Growing Economy- Monmouth

Congressional Election/Generic Ballot
West Virginia Senate – Republican Primary
Exclusive: Two West Virginia Internal Campaign Polls Show Blankenship Narrowly Edging GOP Rivals
Generic Ballot CNN Poll

Polling on Iran

May the Fourth Be With You
Star Wars vs. Star Trek

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The Pollsters

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