#25: Trump vs. Bernie
“Last week we had our biggest download day ever! Now we’re diving into the post-debate analysis, from Bernie’s surge in New Hampshire to Trump’s polling resilience and the growing legitimacy…
“Last week we had our biggest download day ever! Now we’re diving into the post-debate analysis, from Bernie’s surge in New Hampshire to Trump’s polling resilience and the growing legitimacy…
“Hard to forget a crying baby—whether you’re in a Maine diner, on a podcast, or if he’s standing next to you on the debate stage. This week, polling is as…
“Kristen is on the road and Margie’s still in the closet but we head right into the eye of the Trummania storm. Four questions about Trump polling: is this bump…
“This week we’re back in the soundbooth, with special guest Baby Beckett! Also, don’t forget to buy Kristen’s book, The Selfie Vote. What to Trump & Sanders have in common?…
“In the last two weeks, Kristen had a book & Margie had a baby. But now we’re back with the latest in polling news! Bet you can’t Trump this! The…