#224: Trust & Fairness: Americans are Skeptical
This episode discusses Trump’s approval, his tweets, the Mueller testimony, and a breakdown of trust in America and global politics.
Trump & The Squad
Trump Approval (RealClear Politics)
Trump’s Electoral College Edge Could Grow in 2020, Rewarding Polarizing Campaign (*New York Times / The Upshot*)
Most Americans disagree with Trump’s “go back” tweets (CBS News / YouGov)
Majority of voters say ‘send her back’ chants were racist (POLITICO/Morning Consult)
Mueller Testimony
Democrats becoming increasingly skeptical of fairness of Russia probe (POLITICO/Morning Consult)
Trust in America
Many Americans think declining trust in the government and in each other makes it harder to solve key problems (Pew Research)
Boris Johnson
How do you feel about Boris Johnson becoming leader? (YouGov)
Boris Johnson has support of two thirds of Tory voters (Opinium / Observer)
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