#216: Kristen Waves a Flag for Capitalism
In this episode, we explore Trump’s approval ratings, Dem and GOP primaries, economic satisfaction, and the debate around capitalism vs socialism. Plus, we dive into black community politics and the UK supporting Trump’s visit.
President Trump Job Approval (RealClear Politics)
Trump Character Ratings Improved, but Still a Weakness (Gallup)
Dem (and GOP?) Primary
Democratic Dividing Lines (Echelon Insights)
Nearly Half of Democrats Say the Best Age for a President Is ‘In Their 50s’ (Pew Research)
Economic satisfaction, Capitalism, and Socialism
Framing the Debate on the Economy and Presidential Transparency (Navigator)
Black community survey
More Black than Blue: Politics and Power in the 2019 Black Census (Black Futures Lab)
Brits support Trump visit in the UK
Brits support Trump visit (YouGov via Politico EU)
Swimming Pools, Tuna Stars
Around 3 in 10 adults haven’t swam in more than 10 years (John West)
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