#68: Gurl, the nominee! And how is Trump like the NJ turnpike?
“Kristen and Margie discuss polling on the Democratic nominee, Trump comparisons, and public sentiment on key issues.”
Episode #68: Gurl, the Nominee! And How is Trump Like the NJ Turnpike?
Kristen and Margie discuss the latest polling insights on the newly announced Democratic nominee and dive into the comparisons between Trump and the NJ Turnpike. This week’s guest is Doug Schwartz from Quinnipiac. Next week, tune in for Courtney Kennedy from Pew.
Episode Highlights
- Poll of the Week: A Harvard study reveals the public’s lukewarm reaction to the Zika virus outbreak.
- Democratic Unity: How the data reflect a unified front among Democrats despite challenges.
- The General Election: Gallup’s breakdown on party views, candidate perceptions, and issue prioritization.
- Judicial Bias: A surprising YouGov poll on public opinion regarding judge ethnicity and its implications.
- Pokemon Politics: A light-hearted dive into how Pokemon elections rival caucus turnout in some states.
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