#231: Now We’re Talking About Impeachment
This episode focuses on impeachment and various 2020 election issues, including polling and steak preferences.
Odds & Ends
Richard Madden’s T-Rex!
Inside Fox News’ polling ‘nerdquarium,’ whose numbers don’t lie whether Trump likes them or not (*Los Angeles Times*)
2020 Presidential Campaigns
Democratic Primary (RealClear Politics)
One Republican Party, Different Democratic Parties (Echelon Insights)
Trump Job Approval (RealClear Politics)
Latest National General Election Polls (RealClear Politics)
Issue of the Week: Impeachment
Impeaching Trump On Russia Was Unpopular. Will Ukraine Be Different? (FiveThirtyEight)
Voters largely unswayed by House Dems’ push for impeachment (Politico)
Would you support or oppose impeachment in this scenario? (YouGov)
National Poll, use of words “removal from office†(Quinnipiac)
Focusing Debates on Trump’s Honesty, Tax Fairness, and Government Shutdowns (Navigator)
President Trump and the Trump Administration (Quinnipiac via pollingreport.com)
Most Americans have heard of the situation with President Trump, Joe Biden and the president of Ukraine (Reuters/Ipsos)
The Steaks are High
How Americans order their steaks and hamburgers (YouGov)
Episode Webpage: Link to episode
MP3 File: