#171: Sing Us The Song You’re The Polling Man
Kristen and Patrick discuss Democratic wins in primaries, a closer look at key races, and Trump’s approval ratings. They also dive into midterm issues like immigration and control of Congress.
A surprise takedown in NY-14, where there was no polling in the Ocasio-Cortez/Crowley race. Is the shockwave also a bellwether? We cheer women, young and old, rocking the Democratic primaries (70% of open seats going to women over men) and wonder why that’s not happening on the GOP side (30%). We’ve got Westworld, Scandinavia, anger, exhaustion, and days and days of the Red Frickin’ Hen.
Primary Day
As blue as Maryland is, is it a good place to be Larry Hogan?
RealClearPolitics Maryland Governor Race
Post-U. Md. poll: Jealous, Baker lead in Democratic race overshadowed by Hogan
Washington Post-University of Maryland poll – 2018 Maryland governor’s election – May 29-June 3
New York
RealClearPolitics: New York 11th District – Republican Primary
Grimm vs. Donovan NY 11th Republican Primary
Trump approval rating
Majority of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the economy for the first time: CNBC survey
By the numbers: Trump’s economic approval ratings hit a new high
2018 Generic Congressional Vote
Polls: Dems lead in three key Senate races
Virginia: GOP Trailing in CD10
West Virginia: Dems Doing Well in Senate, CD03
Midterm Issues
Immigration Gains Steam As A Midterm Issue
Voters More Focused on Control of Congress – and the President – Than in Past Midterms
Images and Ideas to Engage and Persuade
Freedom Rings in Places You Might Not Expect
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