#73: What’s scarier: Pokemon or politics?

“Exploring Pokémon Go, Trump, and public sentiment on violence.”

Episode #73: What’s Scarier: Pokémon or Politics?

The polls are like Pokémon—gotta catch (or read) them all! We dive into gaming trends, Trump’s polling resilience, and tragic questions about violence.

Episode Highlights

  • Pokémon Go: Pew and YouGov explore the gaming phenomenon keeping everyone glued to their phones.
  • Trump vs. the Polls: Despite negative press, Trump holds his ground.
  • VP Speculation: Margie’s team debuts a Vice President simulator.
  • Race, Police, and Violence: Polls reveal public sentiment after last week’s tragic events.
  • Crying in America: Is crying okay? America weighs in.

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The Pollsters

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