#127: Take Time To Stop And Smell The Polls
Kristen and Margie discuss the latest polling data, including the Virginia Governor race, Trump’s approval ratings, and voter concerns about healthcare and other political issues. They also take a moment to reflect on lighter topics like beer vs. wine and Americans’ views on marijuana use.
(Recorded 7/26/17) In this episode, Kristen and Margie take a break from the political chaos to “stop and smell the flowers.” They discuss the latest poll results on everything from the Virginia Governor race to Trump’s approval ratings. They also explore partisan divides, healthcare, and some fun topics like Americans’ preference for beer over wine. Don’t forget to follow @ksoltisanderson @margieomero @thepollsters for more polls and yuks.
Poll of the Week:
- Delphi Analytica: Kid Rock Wins in Hypothetical Stabenow/Kid Rock Senate Race
- Virginia Governor Change Research: Perriello Has a Clear Lead in the VA Democratic Primary
- Monmouth University: Voters Split on Electing Gillespie and Northam for VA Governor
- HuffPost: Trump Approval Ratings
- Politico: Tool Estimates How Voter Groups Impact Trump’s Approval Rating
- USA Today/iMediaEthics: Voters Split on If Trump Should Be Removed from Office
- Politico: National Tracking Poll July 20-24, 2017
- Pew Research: Women See Increased Involvement in Politics After the 2016 Election
- Politico/Morning Consult: Majority Favor Necessary Changes to the ACA
- Pew: News IQ Quiz
- Pew: “News IQ” Quiz Results Breakdown
- Gallup: Beer Remains the Preferred Alcoholic Drink in the US
- Gallup: Record High Number of Americans Who Have Tried Pot
Listen to the full episode: